After two years, HARD Summer brought over 160,000 ravers back together for a weekend full of electronic music and long-awaited fun.
With over six stages, dazzling light displays, and a giant glowing ferris wheel, the festival felt like a smaller EDC. Fans gathered like moths to the bright and vibrant lights, and the energy was palpable after over a year in isolation for most.
San Bernardino temperatures hovered around 100°, but thankfully Insomniac provided copious free water stations, shady, grassy areas and misting stations for their festival-goers to cool down. The hydrating drink of the weekend was Liquid Death. Contrary to its aggressive name, it was just water, the idea being to “murder your thirst” and save the earth with their plastic-free recyclable cans.
Stages: Pyrotechnics, Lasers, and Production, Oh My!