Adventure Club and Soar provide emotive remix of BTS' 'Your Eyes Tell'

At this current moment in time, K-Pop wunderkind, BTS, is the biggest boy band in the world, rivaling even ‘NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys in their respective heydays. This status makes their music prime real estate for remixes, and Adventure Club are the latest dance act to stake a claim in that market.
Collaborating with fellow melodic bass connoisseur, Soar, Adventure Club put their own spin on BTS’ “Your Eyes Tell,” an offering from the group’s latest LP, MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 ~ THE JOURNEY ~.
With the original proving bereft of percussion, “Your Eyes Tell” was essentially a blank slate for the trio of bass-heavy producers to put their own twist on BTS’ single. However, other than some fluctuating synths, the message and delivery of the original track remain largely untouched, as Adventure Club and Soar simply add the level of attitude that only drums can provide.
Featured image: New City Gas