First Listen: Crankdat kickstarts the year with terrorizing new Monstercat single 'Who Am I' [Stream]

Crankdat isn’t easing into the new year. He is diving right in with the pedal to the floor, with a high octane single to kickstart 2020. The track, “Who Am I,” makes for a fitting title, as the track bounces and bops between styles, making it difficult to put the new tune in a single musical category. Crankdat has another battering set piece on his hands with “Who Am I,” proctoring a heavy-handed new cut that’s designed for live performance mayhem.
The track opens with humming bass notes that are interwoven with chanting, synthesized vocals. A drum line picks up the energy until Crankdat abruptly lays in siren-like synths and deafening wubs. The track weaves together a head-spinning variety of different elements, all coming together to create a sporadic yet addicting whole. The single marks Crankdat’s return to Monstercat after releasing emotive “Falling” on the label a few months prior.