Inside Hero, the Innovative AI Productivity App Backed By The Chainsmokers

As MagicX launches Hero on the App Store, anticipation is building for a product that promises to pioneer a new category of mobile application.

Backed by The Chainsmokers, the Hero app leverages AI to create a seamless, intuitive user experience designed to revolutionize how we manage our daily lives. The heart of Hero's innovation lies in its unique approach to design and AI integration. Unlike traditional apps, it aims to be the first true super-app, unlocking new possibilities with a sophisticated yet user-friendly interface. 

Alex Pall and Drew Taggart of The Chainsmokers have been bringing their innovative spirit to the tech world through their Mantis VC fund. Their creative input and investment in Hero significantly shaped the app's development.

"They joke that people who meet them outside of music say they are 'pleasantly surprised.' That's an understatement," Hero CEO Brad Kowalk tells "Their creativity extends to any field. For instance, Alex may have a concert coming up but will still squeeze in a message about Siri and his thoughts on where the broader assistant space is headed."


Kowalk and CTO Seung Lee's leadership has led to the development of Hero's central features, which include voice-activated event creation, collaborative to-do lists and AI-driven grocery list generation. These capabilities, designed to streamline daily life, make it easier to manage routine tasks with just a few voice commands.

Kowalk explains there's multiple areas in the app where you'll interact with AI. "The big one is the voice interface, which uses AI to detect what you're saying, understand what you're trying to do, then update the UI in real-time as you're speaking," he said.

MagicX envisions Hero evolving to meet the changing needs of users, particularly those in creative fields. The app is designed to reduce the time and effort spent on managing daily tasks, allowing users to focus more on their passions.

"Our mission is for you to do more by doing less," Kowalk adds. "If we do our job right, you won't even have to think about 'productivity' in the future. People, especially creative people, should be able to free up their minds and schedules to do more of what they love."

Akhil Patel, Hero's designer, emphasized the app's foundational principles that set it apart from existing productivity tools. The dashboard, he explains, is designed to keep AI invisible and strive for simplicity.

"Most productivity tools start with one or two niche functions but get clunky over time," Patel says. "With Hero, our goal is to continuously simplify and optimize as we add new features so the overall complexity doesn’t increase over time."

You can download Hero on the App Store here.

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