Interview: Elohim Opens Up About Writing “Didn….

Elohim’s newest single, “Didn’t Sign Up For This,” is here, and it’s everything that you could want packed into 1 release. This track, blending indie vibes with UKG and a touch of acoustic guitar, stands out with its dark, ensnaring essence. It’s the third release from her upcoming album ‘Power Of Panic’, out on July 12th. The song’s deep bass and haunting melody mirror the emotional highs and lows in its lyrics, offering a raw, personal look into Elohim’s world.
Born out of a profound personal journey, Elohim’s music dives deep into her experiences and emotions, crafting stories that very much relate with listeners. She’s been releasing a series of singles that unfold her narrative organically, each track revealing a new layer of her story.
“Didn’t Sign Up For This” has garnered significant support, featuring on Spotify’s ‘Women of Electronic’ playlist at #16, Apple Music’s ‘New in Dance’ at #52 across 13 territories, and Amazon Music’s ‘Brand New Music’ at #99 in the US. Elohim’s multi-dimensional artistry has earned her over 600 million streams, a global campaign with GoDaddy, and features in national campaigns by Apple and Facebook. Her partnership with Splice and Dolby Atmos, and her mental health advocacy spotlighted in Billboard’s Unmasked episode gives a glimpse at the very vast impact she’s had on the industry in somewhat of a short amount of time.
Check below as we dive into an interview with Elohim, where she shares more about her journey and the inspiration behind her music.
How do you find balance between your performance schedule and the need for personal downtime and reflection?
A: To be completely honest and transparent, because I think it is important to not always have to put on a brave face, I felt like I couldn’t touch both feet to the ground. I felt as if I was in a constant state of anxiety and panic. I had zero control over my physical and mental emotions and frankly, I was spinning out. I decided I needed to take the year to myself. I made the hardest decision of my life. One I never ever thought I would. I was always “wipe the barf off and get to the stage” kind of human no matter the tax it caused my body. This last September, I canceled all touring and shows and focused on healing, finding personal peace within me, and experiencing doses of joy in little things. It is a constant battle but where I am today is lightyears ahead of where I was 8 months ago. It sucks to not be ok but sometimes you have to accept it and dive in and take the time to do the work and heal.
“Didn’t Sign Up For This” has a very powerful message. Can you explain the emotions and experiences that led you to write this song?
A: I think the frustration of life and feeling like a failure. I can logically explain why I am not a failure but the feelings are so deep it can be really challenging to stop them when they are being loud. My mental health gets extremely defeating as well. Just wanting to feel a sense of peace and normalcy. It is quite exhausting and one of the things that helps me is writing music!
What’s been the most challenging aspect of creating “Power Of Panic,” your upcoming album, and how did you overcome it?
A: The most challenging part is knowing when to be done. As a creator and musician, I am constantly writing. While driving, while showering, while lying in bed, while dreaming. And then basically all day! So it’s hard to not want to keep adding music as I am writing it! It is not a bad challenge to have
What are some of the main themes you explore in “Power Of Panic,” and how do they relate to your personal life?
A: I explore the idea of turning my panic into fuel for the fire of life and using it almost as a superpower opposed to trying to figure out why and how all the time and feeling alone in those thoughts and struggles. I wish none of the songs I write about my anxiety and panic related to my personal life but unfortunately, they all do. I really wanted this album to feel like strength and I really feel like it does.
Your latest single “Didn’t Sign Up For This” is a bold blend of indie and UKG. What inspired this fusion of genres, and how did the acoustic guitar come into play?
A: Well I love ukg and I LOVE indie music! Electronic music has always been at the core of what I create but so have real instruments. I grew up studying classical piano. Often times I run real instruments through tons of effects and find my inspiration that way. I love making noise that does something special to my aura and being. It’s kind of a when you know you know feeling while creating and experimenting. I absolutely love juxtaposing either intense lyrics with uplifting music, or real raw instruments in front of a backdrop of very electronic sounds. I honestly just experiment and play until I get that feeling of “ I FEEL SOMETHING!!”
With the album set to release soon, what are you most excited about in terms of fan reactions and feedback?
A: I am really most excited that someone out there might have a new friend and confidant to dive into and lean on. A place to feel validated and seen. If that happens for one person then I am happy and my life is made. And if it happens to more than one person… that is even cooler!!! I really hope it makes someone, anyone, feel SOMETHING! Whatever that might be! That’s the coolest thing about music its the one way you can experience something and then time travel back to that exact moment. So maybe this album will mean something to someone.