Los Angeles nightclubs will require proof of vaccination or negative test before entry

As nightlife opens back up in most parts of the world and it seems as though true normality is just around the corner, the pandemic still remains to be and it means that many nightclubs that are now open are implementing new safety rules in regards to Covid-19. This means that certain clubs may require proof of a negative Covid-19 test or a full course of vaccination against the virus, and Los Angeles is the latest city to implement this rule for its nightlife.

In response to Covid cases rising in America lately and the combined threat of the Delta variant also being added to the mix, the public health department of LA County have announced that to enter Los Angeles nightclubs, eager partygoers must present vaccination proof or a negative test result in a bid to keep numbers low whilst also allowing people to have fun once again with this coming into effect on October 7. Stating their reason for this, the public health department said:

“We in public health believe that targeted vaccination mandates are an important strategy for quickly raising vaccination coverage in our county and ending the pandemic. We applaud the president, our governor, our Board of Supervisors, our cities and school districts, and business establishments across the county for creating additional safety at spaces where people are intermingling with targeted vaccination mandates.”

In addition to this mandate for the Los Angeles nightclubs, those working in the nightclubs, and also bars and music venues must have received at least the first dose of the vaccine by October 7 too. Outdoor events of 10,000+ people will also have the same rule implemented, and restaurants are encouraged to follow these guidelines but are not legally required to. Los Angeles is the latest to follow suit alongside Wales who will also implement this rule in October, and Scotland who will use the vaccine passport scheme for large events.


Image credit: Discotech

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