When two heavyweights such as Martin Garrix and Zedd team up on a track, you know it will be nothing short of explosive. This is exactly what their new track ‘Follow‘ is, and it is already igniting the electronic scene with a fiery passion.
Being friends within the scene for over ten years, many would argue that a collaboration is well overdue. Over the past few months, they’ve been teasing just this, drip-feeding fans images of their studio time and it’s about time that they released the product onto the world. Unarguably one of the most anticipated collaborations of the year so far, ‘Follow’ perfectly blends both of the Martin Garrix and Zedd energetic soundscapes that have made them pioneers over the years, being energetic and fun-loving. Suited for both the mainstages – perfect timing for Garrix’s upcoming Ultra Music Festival mainstage performance – and clubs, this is one anthem that will have all fans bouncing around without a care in the world. In the first half of the track, it allows fans to focus solely on the instrumental, getting them accustomed to this blend of different sounds. After the insane drop, the vocal-lead verse comes next and adds that extra sparkle onto an otherwise perfect track, adding a dynamic element to further fill the track out.
Sizzling with passion, this is the track that fans of both Martin Garrix and Zedd have waited a very long time for, and the two titans have proven that it was worth the waiting. Out now via STMPD RCRDS, ‘Follow’ can be enjoyed on all streaming services here. Don’t forget to also watch the official video below.
Image credit: Rukes.com
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