Posthumous Andrew Weatherall music set for release

The electronic music community can look forward to forthcoming posthumous releases from Andrew Weatherall coming in April. Industry pioneer and icon Weatherall passed in February 2020 due to a pulmonary embolism. The artist was a leader in Britain’s acid-house revolution who found his way to dance music after cutting his teeth as a music journalist in the post-punk world.
The artist had written and produced a four-track 12” alongside his studio partner, Nina Walsh, before he died in February. Weatherall wrote the tracks inside the studio dubbed Woodleigh Research Facility with Walsh, who shared writing credits and contributed samples. The project is called Pamela #1—Weatherall spoke on the compilation before his departure, stating,
“The great thing about not being signed to a major a label is that it’s liberating. No deadlines, no restraints, no pressures. The result—the creative process is completely free. There’s a blank canvas in the studio, you can pretty much go anywhere you want.”
Weatherall’s creative freedom and approach will more than certainly pay off, and Pamela #1 is set to be released the new Moton Records sub-label Pamela Records by mid-April.