SoundBeamer 1.0 might be the future of audio devices

If you want to hail a space-taxi and visit Earth’s orbit, you’ll probably be able to do that very soon. Our planet is riddled with innovation and it seems that the word ‘impossible’ is not in the vocabulary of the company we’re talking about today. Get this: in the future, you’ll be listening to music without headphones or ear-buds. Sounds a bit hard to believe, doesn’t it? Well, according to AP’s latest report, Israel based company Noveto Systems is launching something so intriguing that it’s difficult to wrap your head around. Their latest product is called SoundBeamer 1.0 and it supposedly beams sound into the head of the person listening, without the use of headphones. Let’s dive into this a bit deeper.

The SoundBeamer 1.0 reportedly creates a personal bubble that allows you to hear 3D audio while still being able to observe other sounds in your current space. According to the company that built this device, there is a sensing module inside of the beamer that locates and then tracks the ear position of the target person, aka the listener. Afterward, it creates sound pockets in the ears of the listener by beaming ultrasonic sound waves. Added to all of that, the technology allows for both stereo and 360-degree spatial audio and, the sound bubble can either follow you around or stay in one place – depending on your preference.

According to the folks that have already tried the product using nature clips including buzzing bees, you actually feel like you are part of the shown scenery. Project manager Ayana Wallwater adds:

“You don’t believe it because it sounds like a speaker, but no one else can hear it. It’s supporting you, and you’re in the middle of everything.”

This is the first consumer-branded product that features audio beaming technology. To some, this product may seem like it has come straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. Noveto Systems is definitely spearheading the beaming lane, jumping ahead of giants like Apple and Sony who are actively working on spatial audio and ways to improve it.

You can take a look at AP’s video report about this peculiar product below:

Image Credit: AP

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