Twitch to crack down on post-quarantine DJ set performances

As gamers, DJs, and the like have taken to Twitch for their streaming needs throughout the duration of lockdown, the service has initiated a stringent reinforcement of their music guidelines that has resulted in a massive takedown of creator content. In the past week, the popular streaming platform witnessed a wave of Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) claims against videos posted between 2017 and 2019. Twitch has since stated their adherence to the DMCA in removing content and accounts that violate copyrights and pointed users to their guidelines, which have not changed, for reference to acceptable music usage.
Streamers have expressed frustration at the ensuing raid, which has left many ill-prepared for flags and subsequent actions taken against their channels. Users who rack up three strikes are subject to their channels being erased. Twitch has advised users to remove old VODs and clips that may contain copyrighted audio.
The music guidelines designate DJ sets, radio-style music listening shows, karaoke performance, and more as unacceptable types of music content in streams and VODs. Twitch has defined DJ sets as, “Playing and/or mixing pre-recorded music tracks which incorporate music, other than music which is owned by you or music which is licensed for you to share on Twitch.” Baauer, Boys Noize, and Kaskade are just a few of numerous DJs that have utilized the streaming platform to engage fans.
This is the first time we have received mass DMCA claims against clips. We understand this has been stressful for affected creators and are working on solutions, including examining how we can give you more control over your clips.
— Twitch Support (@TwitchSupport) June 8, 2020