Watch Kasablanca Debut Poignant New Track, “Remission” at Ultra Amid Cancer Treatment

Micky Kasablanca's life changed in early-2024, when he was suddenly diagnosed with cancer.
After his diagnosis and an emergency surgery, the Kasablanca duo adjusted their touring plans while Micky battled the cancer by undergoing aggressive chemotherapy regimen. At the end of February, he shared news of his completed treatment on social media but noted he still had a "long road to recovery as I wait for news of remission."
A scheduled performance at the iconic Ultra Music Festival served as a light at the end of the tunnel for Micky during his treatments, he said. He reached his destination last month, taking the stage for a riveting performance and delivering one of the festival's more poignant moments.
"While I was going through [treatment], I knew that when I was done, I would get to come here and play Ultra Miami with you guys and I can't tell you how happy I am that I made it here today," Micky said onstage. "I don't have a clean bill of health yet. I'm hoping to get that in two weeks, but we decided to call this song 'Remission' in hopes that I'm going to get it."
"F*** cancer!" a fan screamed in the crowd.
Watch the emotional clip of the duo playing "Remission," a collaboration with This Never Happened label boss Lane 8, below.
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While Micky waits for more updates about his health, Kasablanca are scheduled to perform at EDC Las Vegas, Bonnaroo and more. They have yet announced a release date for "Remission" at the time of this writing.
You can watch Kasablanca's full performance at Ultra 2024 below.
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