Look Mum No Computer has designed and built a fully functioning new set of decks made entirely of LEGO bricks. DJ decks have even been built out of nothing but LEGO and they work perfectly. As with conventional setups, it’s the DJ’s genius that exponents the power of machines.
LEGO bricks are part of the childhood of thousands of children. Created in 1932 in Denmark, these small plastic bricks are part of the past, they were part of the history of many of us and will continue to entertain children, but also adults. They have long since ceased to be just toys for children and have become an object of entertainment and craftsmanship for adults. There are more and more shows, competitions and adult LEGO collectors. Over the years, the type of pieces and the mechanisms available have made it possible to build basically anything from these bricks.
Recently the Danish brand launched LEGO VIDIYO, a music video making app that comes with a physical product. The concept combines both physical and digital elements including AR, allowing kids to create their own, 10-20 second-long music video. This app is similar to a childproof TikTok with a cool and stylish mascot, the L.L.A.M.A. To celebrate the launch of VIDIYO, LEGO has teamed up with designer and musical tech wizard Look Mum No Computer to create the ultimate piece – working DJ decks made entirely out of LEGO.
Look Mum No Computer, aka Sam Battle, is no newcomer to the art of building musical objects with unconventional raw materials. He is the author of the ‘Furby Organ’, an organ made of Furbies. To build this setup, the artist combined several collections to manage to make DJ LEGO decks real. The case was built using the new VIDIYO, the turntables were assembled using LEGO Technic and the programmable robotic system MINDSTORMS were the secret to control the vinyl. It’s all 100% LEGO, apart from the circuit board and mixer. It doesn’t lack faders, knobs, slipmats or any other detail.
It’s impressive to see the result of hours and hours assembling this piece, brick by brick. Watch below the video of how Sam Battle created and assembled the DJ decks and also the setup in full operation by the hands of L.L.A.M.A.
Image Credit: LEGO