fabric becomes world’s first nightclub-in-residence at Museum of London

London’s famous fabric Nightclub will begin a first of its kind partnership with the Museum of London for a set of nightclub-in-residence collaborations and performances.  The newly formed partnership will see the two entities working together over the next several years as they curate art installations, anniversary events and even an expected festival in 2025.

The partnership came about as the Museum of London is set to close up it’s current location at the London Wall and relocate to the General Market in West Smithfield, which will make them neighbors with fabric Nightclub.  The first event between the two entities will be opening on October 25th and showcases artist Tai Shani in a new performance piece for Art Night.  From there, the Museum of London will officially shutter the doors of its London Wall location on December 4th as it prepares for the move to West Smithfield.  Looking ahead, fabric is getting set to celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2024, and the Museum will be collaborating to help showcase the history and impact of the club on London’s nightclub scene throughout its existence.  After that, 2025 will see the two entities combine to help deliver a festival curated by Londoners.  After that, the Museum of London will look to finally reopen at its new location in West Smithfield in 2026 where fabric will be able to officially begin its nightclub in residence role.  While the partnership may look a bit odd from the outside, Museum of London director Sharon Ament explained why the collaboration felt right for the organization:

“From DJ EZ to Jossy Mitsu, fabric has been at the forefront of the international electronic music scene for decades. As we embark on our exciting new journey, we are thrilled to join forces with fabric – our soon-to-be neighbors and one of London’s most iconic cultural spaces.

Our collaboration will create special moments and memories for Londoners and visitors to the city. The first of many collaborations to offer new perspectives on London’s story.”

Image Credit: Lolita Montana via Flickr | License: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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