Mathematician uses astrophysics and black holes to create electronic ambient music

A Belgian mathematician has just astonished the electronic music industry with an out of this world production in collaboration with some unexpected scientific partners. The mathematician is set to release an album that uses black holes to create electronic ambient music.  According to his website,

Valery Vermeulen is a Belgian electronic musician, music producer, mathematician, new media artist, author, guest professor at KASK-Conservatory-School of Arts (Ghent, BE) and researcher at the Department of Mathematics – Computer Science at University of Antwerp (Antwerp, BE). In 2001 he obtained a PhD in pure mathematics in the field of algebraic group theory at Ghent University (BE) and in 2013 a masters degree in music production at the Royal Conservatory or Ghent (BE).’

Dr. Vermeulen has taken the helm of the Mikromedas AdS/CFT Performance Series. The theme of this musical project series stems from the scientific search for proof of a Grand Unified Theory in physics that would unite both worlds of quantum physics and Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Valery along with collaboration of several academic partners including the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Alabama University (US), the Institute for Theoretical Physics of KU Leuven (BE), the Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics of KULeuven (BE) and renowned quantum cosmologist Professor Dr. Thomas Hertog, former colleague and long time collaborator of Stephen Hawking, have been working on this leg of the project since 2019.

Vermeulen has now compiled data gathered from the study of astrophysical blackholes and other regions with extreme gravitational fields and created models that simulate sounds since sound does not occur naturally in the vacuum of outer space. Hence, this is where the expertise of the mathematician is divulged. He has taken his calculations and used them to compose ambient productions into eerily mesmerizing, and of course otherworldly sonifications. Titled Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001 the album has a set release date of December 3, 2021.  It will be available as a limited edition CD and digital download at the Ash International website.

Valery Vermeulen · Mikromedas SrgA+ / Preview Mikromedas AdSCFT 001


Image credit: Jarmoir Mulders via Facebook



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