It’s been 783 days since the last day of Summer Camp Music Festival's 2019 Memorial Day celebration and the anticipation is high to get back out and enjoy three days of this unique festival experience. After over a year without festivals or large gatherings, campers are eager to dance at the Midwest’s biggest event of the year.
Whether it’s your first time attending the annual festival or you’re “coming back home to camp,” we’ve come up with a comprehensive list of everything you need to know about this year’s 20th anniversary Summer Camp Music Festival.
Your three-day GA Pass includes general camping for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. You must purchase a Thursday Pre-Party pass if you plan to arrive that day. Only attendees and vehicles that purchased an additional RV camping pass are allowed to park and camp on the campgrounds. Otherwise, you will be directed to general parking and carry your supplies to your desired camping spot.
Packing Guide
Hey, it’s one of our first festivals back in a long time. In case you waited last minute or you've been spending a week packing a suitcase, there always seems to be something you forget. From the essentials to the basics and the extras, check out Summer Camp's recommended packing list and overview of prohibited items.