Two Friends Write Another Chapter In the “Big Bootie” Dynasty With Chicago Performance

Two Friends arrived in the Windy City and brought Jordan's Game 6 energy.
The duo held the sophomore edition of Big Bootie Land in Chicago over the weekend and the outing marked a serious pressure test for the series. The event fell on the same weekend as Taylor Swift's trifecta of sold-out shows, taking place mere blocks away at Soldier Field, but "Big Bootie" believers still showed up en masse as 10,000 energized fans gathered to hear the debut of "Big Bootie Mix Volume 23"—and they weren't left disappointed.
Though the pressure was on to deliver a show fans wouldn't forget, Two Friends effortlessly made the night feel like a victory lap. Their tight-knit relationship with their fan base was on full display as attendees eagerly took photos with inflatable fictional characters of the Big Bootie Land universe, played along to Two Friends trivia during a brief intermission and sung the duo's originals with the same fervor as their show-stopping mashups.
In an unexpected way, it was also a full-circle moment for the Los Angeles natives, as they candidly shared the first-ever Two Friends show took place in Chicago. As Two Friends' Eli Sones recapped live, the 2012 show took place at a middle school assembly in front of 50 eighth graders. Looking around at a sea of 10,000 fans now hanging on his every word, it was hard not to feel inspired by their journey thus far.
Chicagoans were privileged with an extended edition of "Big Bootie Mix Vol. 23," but the final cut has been released everywhere today. The mix impressively features 216 unique songs spanning contemporary pop, dance music classics and, of course, singalong-worthy Two Friends hits old and new.
Listen to the full mix below.
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