“Clubbing With Confidence:” Wellness Coach to Host Workshop for Women Navigating Rave Scene

Lauren Cappuccio is sharing her insights on how women can safely and productively navigate today's fast-paced rave scene.
Networking, safety and self-preservation are evergreen topics in the breakneck world of electronic dance music. However, despite their paramount importance in everyday life, there's seemingly all too few places to have candid conversations about best practices.
Lauren Cappuccio of Karmic Body Health is seeking to change that. A self-described "health coach for DJ's, ravers and music-loving misfits," Cappuccio is developing a blueprint to assist women with navigating the industry's ebbs and flows.
Cappuccio's upcoming workshop, "Clubbing With Confidence: How to Safely Navigate the Rave Scene as a Woman," explains how to party intentionally and safely fly solo as a female raver, among other important yet perhaps under-discussed topics.

Lauren Cappuccio/Karmic Body Health
Cappuccio has also become a success story of the "sober curious" movement and has since made its principles a foundation of her strategy. Leaving her corporate life behind, she pursued her passion and became a Certified Integrative Health Coach while undergoing a major lifestyle transition that brought much-needed clarity to her world.
"Part of this journey involved me learning how to create strong boundaries around partying and having fun with my friends. I was attending shows, nightclubs, and festivals while staying committed to my healing protocols," Cappuccio writes. "This entire healing experience has taught me I can still enjoy the things I love and have fun in these environments by creating boundaries, moderation, and STAYING SOBER. When there is a will, there is a way."
You can RSVP to "Clubbing With Confidence" here ahead of the virtual event, which is scheduled for May 4th at 8:15pm ET (5:15pm PT).