EDM.com Fresh Picks: G Jones, Vancouver Sleep Clinic, Goth Babe & More

The electronic music community is constantly evolving with new sounds every week as artists become more innovative with their compositions. EDM.com's weekly Fresh Picks series is helping uncover the latest and greatest tracks from the underground dance scene.

You can find the below tracks on EDM.com's Fresh Picks Playlist. Follow to stay up-to-date and submit tracks for consideration here.

EDM.com Fresh Picks

Goth Babe - Bioluminescence

Max Cooper - Stereoscopic Dive

In Explosions - drop kick

Hologramme - Unfold

Kaikobad - Corrections

Mikebøi- Never Stay (feat. SRU)

Vancouver Sleep Clinic - Hold Me Like A Summer

Bearcubs - Comes Back Around

Rachika Nayar - hawthorn

G Jones - Perpetual Bloom

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