Frank Ocean Cancels Headlining Coachella Weekend 2 Set

After a confusing and largely disappointing performance at the festival's opening weekend, Frank Ocean has now been replaced by Blink-182 to fill the Sunday headlining time slot.
Frank Ocean's first performance in six years was highly anticipated by fans, but it materialized into a largely dissatisfying and confusing spectacle at Coachella Weekend 1. Now, the musician has pulled out of Weekend 2 and Blink-182 will headline instead, Variety reports.
Many of the features of Ocean's opening weekend performance—included a reported onstage ice-skating rink, were scrapped last-minute after Ocean injured his ankle and leg at the festival. Within 72 hours, the set was reimagined and the show went on. But it was "chaotic," Ocean said in a statement.
"There is some beauty in chaos," he said. "It isn’t what I intended to show but I did enjoy being out there and I’ll see you soon."
Ocean appeared onstage an hour late and the scheduled livestream of his performance never made it to YouTube. His set was also hastily cut short due to the festival's curfew, which was broken all three nights, resulting in a $117,000 fine from the city of Indio.
The set included reworked versions of Ocean’s hits like “White Ferrari,” “Pink + White,” “Novacane” and more. He also lip-synced a number of his tracks, per Forbes, and was visibly concealed by a large screen for the majority of his performance.
It's worth noting that Coachella chose not to share any content from Ocean’s performance on social media while a slew of the weekend's other performances were covered.