Here Are the Set Times for Lost Lands and Couch Lands 2023

The dinosaurs are once again coming out to play at Lost Lands.
The prehistoric-themed music festival, which doubles as a head-banging utopia for fans of dubstep, is back as of today, September 22nd. The biggest and baddest in bass music are poised to tear up Legend Valley, such as SVDDEN DEATH, Subtronics, Netsky, LSDREAM, Sub Focus, NGHTMRE, Dimsension, Ray Volpe and of course Lost Lands founder Excision.
Check out the official Lost Lands 2023 set times below as well as the schedule for the festival's official livestream, Couch Lands, which you can watch on Twitch or TikTok. For more on this year's fest, including shuttles, hotels and camping, read our comprehensive insider's guide.
Lost Lands Day 1 Set Times

Lost Lands Day 2 Set Times

Lost Lands Day 3 Set Times

Couch Lands Set Times