Rezz is starting her own label

Rezz has announced that she will be starting her own label.  While details are slowly coming in about the label, she shared the news via Twitter on June 27 with one simple line, “I AM STARTING MY OWN MUSIC LABEL.”

The Canadian DJ has had a devout, underground fan base for years, but post-pandemic, she has risen to new heights, with major main stage appearances at Electric Zoo 2021, a major collaboration with Deadmau5, and of course the release of most recent album, the brilliant, Spiral.  She rode that energy into 2022, taking Spiral Tour across North America, as she continued supporting her latest album.  As she continues to grace fans with her presence on stage throughout the rest of the year, it seems she will also be spending time sifting through demos and curating content for her yet to be named label.

While little information exists thus far, Rezz did provide further insight on Twitter, stating that

You can already guess what kind of music I’ll be looking for 

Slow, trippy HOT ass , mid-tempo bob your head ( and maybe even shake ur ass while your at it ) type beat + more (i like slow dub stuff too) (stuff that makes u question existence)

She went on to say that, “I will be playing all these tracks, releasing them, THROWING EVENTS BRANDED WITH THE LABEL!”  Fans of Rezz know she does things her way and it will be exciting to see the artists she brings on as well as the content she includes for helping grow the music and label.  For those looking to stay in the know, following Rezz on Twitter is the best way to hear more about this new project first.  Of course, we’ll share any news we come across as well here at We Rave You.  In the meantime, keep streaming Spiral as Rezz continues to take over the electronic music industry.


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