Rezz Translates Anxious Uncertainty Into Words With New Single, “Suffer In Silence”

Rezz returns with characteristically hair-raising sound design on her latest single via HypnoVizion.

There are few certainties in the life of a touring artist. It's a lifestyle where even the best are required to persevere through unpredictable peaks and troughs, but how one responds to the uncertainty is where stars are born. 

Rezz's new single "Suffer In Silence" may be entirely instrumental, but the music speaks loud and clear. Following in the footsteps of "Gyrate," she's returned with another eerie, dancefloor-commanding effort that tangibly translates the feelings of lingering uncertainty into art.


Christopher Kuzman

Anxiety is an unfortunate, constant companion in the life of an artist, but Rezz positively channels the challenging emotions the best way she knows how: with chilling, atmospheric synths and satisfyingly punchy rhythms.

She stirs up tension with the steady tick-tock-like cadence of twinkling chimes before kicking the door down with sawing basslines mangled with distortion. Rezz turns up the danceability in the second half of the arrangement, unleashing a wave of twisted bass buoyed by the steady churn of plotting kicks.

With "Suffer In Silence," Rezz has dropped another contribution to her new HypnoVizion label, which is quickly becoming the standard-bearer of midtempo bass. Check out the new track below.

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